58. Beltane, Floralia, & May Day
With Beltane around the corner, we're covering this ancient Gaelic May Day festival. Listen to learn it's history, how to celebrate Beltane and May Day yourself, rituals to incorporate, and even how to build your own Maypole!
56. "Types of Witches" Revisited: A New Series!
In this episode we briefly revisit the types of witches we covered in E02 while also adding on some new kinds of witches to talk about. Laura and Maria also open up about what their paths as witches look like.
54. Sigil Witchery + Runes 101
In this week's episode, Maria covers beginner sigil witchery and touches on the philosophies of chaos magic, while Laura does a deep dive on runes!
52. Ostara & The Vernal Equinox
We're breaking down the origins of Ostara, how it relates to Easter, and how to celebrate it! We're also talking about the Vernal Equinox!
50. Ethical Witchcraft: Spells, Curses & Hexes
We've made it to 50, baby!! For this special 50th episode, we wanted to revisit our Ethical Witchcraft series, discussing the ethics behind spells, curses, and hexes.
48. Gods & Goddess of Love From Around the World
With Valentine's Day coming up, we're taking a trip around the world to meet the many deities that embody love, sex, beauty and power! From well-known love gods to the lesser known, we have a packed episode full of amazing mythology from various ages and civilizations.
46. The Saturn Return with Astrology Expert Jess Demitro
In honor of Maria's recent 29th birthday, we talk about the Saturn Return – when the planet Saturn comes back to meet your natal Saturn, roughly every 29 years.
44. Farewell, Sabrina Spellman: A Review of C.A.O.S. Part IV
The time has come to say goodbye to one of our favorite on-screen witches, and what better way to bid Sabrina Spellman and her gang adieu than to review the Netflix series – Chilling Adventures of Sabrina!
42. Living with Mediumship & Psychic Abilities, with Ariel Willow
Today's witchy episode features an interview with TikToker and YouTuber Ariel Willow – a clairvoyant intuitive, medium, psychic, and spiritual coach whose professional guidance and videos have helped hundreds of thousands of people through their spiritual journeys and education.
40. The Sabbats: Yule & Saturnalia
Maria and Laura cover wintertime pagan holidays that over centuries have been rebranded into the traditions we associate today with Christmas, and how to celebrate them in their own right.
BONUS Cauldron-side Chat: A Day In Our Lives As Witches
SURPRISE BONUS EPISODE!!! Laura and Maria talk about Thanksgiving festivities, divination, their typical days as witches and podcasters, and misunderstood zodiac signs. Plus, we do a tarot card pull for the week ahead, and we've got some exciting news for our Patreon subscribers!
38. I Smell Dead People: Living with the 6 Clairs
Learn about the various supernatural senses people experience when connecting to Spirit, and exercises to help you grow your “clair-senses”. Plus, hear Laura and Maria's own experiences with their psychic abilities!
36. A Cauldron-side Chat: Witches in TV & Film
Ooh, child! Grab a yummy potion to sip on and join us for a cauldron-side chat about witches in television and film!
34. Día de los Muertos
The veil is thinning! After Laura's topic takeover last week covering the sabbat Samhain, Maria is having us dive deep into the vibrant, thousands year old Mexican holiday–Día de los Muertos!
33. Samhain & Halloween
Samhain and Halloween are just around the corner, and we are so stoked to get into the history of Samhain, how it gave birth to Halloween, and how you can celebrate this Sabbat in your witchy practice!
30. Moon Magick for Beginners
Listen to learn the unique energies of each Moon phase that you can harness and bring into your own practice! Plus, we'll be covering specific spells and potions you can do/make for each Moon phase.
28. The Sabbats: Mabon & Haustblot
The Autumn Equinox is right around the corner! Mabon, otherwise known as Haustblot, is a Sabbat celebration that goes waaayy back. So we're walking you through the history, meaning, and ways you can adorn your altar and prepare for the festivities!
26. “Help, I Don’t Fit In!” & Other Witchy-But-Not-A-Witch Types
Witchy Wednesday is back and we're talking about horror movie sounds, excessive leaf-blowing (in summer?!), raccoons as pets, and all the witch-adjacent people in the spiritual community!
22. Astrology for Beginners, Pt. 2
We're continuing our witchy education in this Part 2 episode on Astrology. We get into the nitty gritty that is above our pay-grade, so we've brought on expert astrologist Jess Demitro to answer our many questions about the mysteries hidden within the cosmos!