58. Beltane, Floralia, & May Day

With Beltane around the corner, we're covering this ancient Gaelic May Day festival. Observed throughout ancient Ireland, Scotland, and Isle of Man, it marks the beginning of the pastoral summer season when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. This pagan festival celebrates fertility (bow-chicka-wow-wow!), prosperity, protection, and honors all living things. Listen to learn it's history, how to celebrate Beltane and May Day yourself, rituals to incorporate, and even how to build your own Maypole!


https://beltane.org/ - Beltane Fire Society

https://youtu.be/gqdGGjsV608 - Lora O'brien’s Beltane Rituals Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXAlBpoPB5A - Maypole Tutorial


59. The Murder of Sophie Lancaster + The Vallecas Case


57. The Disappearance of Tara Calico + The Case of Doris Bither