30. Moon Magick for Beginners

Whether you're a novice or seasoned witch, you've probably seen how everyone's witchy Instagram feeds blow up during a Full Moon. But what about when the Moon isn't full? Listen to learn the unique energies of each Moon phase that you can harness and bring into your own practice! Plus, we'll be covering specific spells and potions you can do/make for each Moon phase. We're about to drop some lunar knowledge on y'all!

You can purchase Michael Herkes' (@the.glam.witch) new book "The Complete Book of Moon Spells: Rituals, Practices and Potions for Abundance" here: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Book-Moon-Spells-Practices/dp/1647390729

Learn more about The Happy Dahlia Farm (@thehappydahliafarm) here: thehappydahliafarm.com.

Download the Star Walk app for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/star-walk-2-night-sky-map/id892279069

Download the Star Walk app for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vitotechnology.StarWalk2Free&hl=en_US


31. The 2004 Halloween Napa Murders + Witch Lore and Mother Shipton


29. The History & Horrors of Asylums + The Hotel del Coronado